Partyin' in the streets of Berlin with the locals as they claimed to be celebrating their Labor Day, but we know they were secretly throwing a welcome to Germany party for us...because we all know that we are a BIG deal in the States :-D

Amy and Mandi Lynn with their over-sized sausages, upon setting our sites on them we knew they had to be ours...there is just something about something that is larger than life; hard to pass up!

So this was a lovely upper middle-aged German man we met on the streets of Berlin; he could speak no English, but was determined to talk to Mandi anyways.  It was a very animated conversation with many non-verbals as he attempted to get us to understand him.  When we asked him to take a picture with us, he latched on to Mandi and snuck in a kiss on the cheek right at the last minute...priceless!

5/3/2010 05:13:19 am

Wow! Europeans sure are friendly! I might have to wait at the bus stop and give that a try sometime.


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